About the Publication
Approximate number of subscribers: 100-500
Categories: Culture, Technology
Subcategories: Artificial Intelligence
Publication Summary: AI affects People & Places we care about, Products & Platforms we build & use, and Practices & Processes we use daily. Want to understand how data & AI impact these 6 'P's, and how you can use them ethically & wisely? This AI6P newsletter is for you!
Collaboration Opportunities
Guest posting or cross-posting
Interviews or profiles
Co-written article/post
Other: Open to other possibilities, e.g. live webinar/panel/AMA
More Details from the Creator:
I'd like to feature other writers as interview guests or as guest writers. I'm especially eager to connect with adults of all ages who are: outside the USA, solopreneurs/entrepreneurs, folks in non-software/AI work roles, or from underrepresented groups. I'm also open to guesting on other podcasts or on written articles (no video). I actively collaborate on articles and I promote them on other sites.
Frequency/Timing of Collaboration Opportunities: AI, Software, and Wetware interviews are 1-2x/weekly (usually max 1 audio interview/week for the podcast, plus possibly a written interview). See FAQ. Guest posts on other topics relating to AI, data, and ethics can be monthly.
Collaboration Examples:
42+ interview collaborations are listed here:
Those guests and other collaborators in 2024 were linked & thanked in this post:
How to Connect & Collaborate
This looks great, @Marcy Farrey! Thank you so much for all of the work you're putting into CollabStack to help us all find each other and collaborate 😊