A Momentary Happiness
How to collaborate with Anna of A Momentary Happiness
About the Publication
Approximate number of subscribers: 100-500
Categories: Health & Wellness
Subcategories: Self care, personal growth, manifestation
Publication Summary: I write about self care, personal development and all the ways you can bring more joy into your life. I love spiritual stuff but I’m less ‘woo’ more ‘why’ - I like to understand the science and psychology of how spirituality works, though I firmly believe in miracles.
Collaboration Opportunities
Guest posting or cross-posting
Interviews or profiles
More Details from the Creator:
I’d love a guest post about topics outside my expertise such as ‘how X can bring more joy to your life’ where X might be human design, tarot, astrology, etc. I’d also love guest posts from people who have amazing manifestation stories to share.
Frequency/Timing of Collaboration Opportunities: Monthly
How to Connect & Collaborate