About the Publication
Approximate number of subscribers: 500-1000
Categories: Faith & Spirituality, Fiction
Subcategories: Poetry, Life in General
Publication Summary: I write character driven stories about Nursing, Writing, The Woo, and anything else that comes to mind. Poetry, Short Stories, Essays, Novels. Be prepared.
Collaboration Opportunities
Guest posting or cross-posting
Podcast guests
Interviews or profiles
Co-written article/post
Other: All the things!
More Details from the Creator:
I have a book coming out in March of 2025 so would like some opportunities for that. I have not yet done any collabs with others but I work often in the real world with other Mediums and find them to be fun and creative and inspiring.
Frequency/Timing of Collaboration Opportunities: Usually post once a week but I'm open to more often to include or provide opportunities.
How to Connect & Collaborate
.Email: jotaylor.776@pm.me