About the Publication
Approximate number of subscribers: 100-500
Categories: Culture, Literature, Health & Wellness
Subcategories: Personal Development
Publication Summary: We have held ourselves back as women for far too long with quiet voices because we are buried under our shame, blame and worrying to fully blossom into our most realized selves. Author Kim O'Hara shares how in the last couple years alone she has shed any misgivings about the life she wants to live in permission and joy, with honest recounts of incredible journeys and opinions.
Collaboration Opportunities
Guest posting or cross-posting
Interviews or profiles
Co-written article/post
Other: Community for permission Zooms
More Details from the Creator:
Permission is a wide topic, and we are looking for permission to let go of our guilt as parents, to have a deeper relationship with sexuality as women, to go for our goals and not have to feel so competitive, to believe in time/space continuum on a level that doesn't make us feel like there is not enough time. I am looking for collaborators who want to introduce their community to the concept of permission and also anyone who works with a community of sexual abuse, or abuse as I come from that trauma.
I am very passionate about us giving ourselves more permission to live the biggest lives so we can incite change. If you feel that vibe, let's talk!
Frequency/Timing of Collaboration Opportunities: Would love one guest post a month for us to have a dialogue, like an open forum on the site.
Collaboration Examples: I have not collaborated on my Substack yet but I have a podcast You Should Write A Book About That, and have interviewed women in a series on LinkedIn called Influential Women.
How to Connect & Collaborate
Email: kim@kimohara.com