Go With The Flow: Women's Cycle Awareness
How to collaborate with Jess Mujica
About the Publication
Approximate number of subscribers: 1-100
Categories: Health & Wellness
Subcategories: Women's Health
Publication Summary: I am educating women about the hormone cycle that dictates all energies, shifting every week across the monthly cycle. Instead of working against our cycles we can harness each phase to Go With The Flow, transforming how we move, think, and socialize.
Collaboration Opportunities
Guest posting or cross-posting
Interviews or profiles
Co-written article/post
More Details from the Creator:
I would love to connect with women who write about parenting, food and nutrition, peri-menopause, menopause, exercise, aging or midlife. Really this applies to all women's topics.
I am hoping to begin podcasting and looking forward to where that next step will take me.
Collaboration Examples:
How to Connect & Collaborate