About the Publication
Approximate number of subscribers: 100-500
Categories: Culture, Art & Illustration, Music, Fiction, Humor
Subcategories: Inspiration, Creative Process, True Stories, Artist Interviews
Publication Summary:
INSPIRED is a place to find inspiring stories, artists and ideas. Every week we post either: an account of someone's riveting true story, an interview with an artist about how they do what they do, or personal thoughts on the role inspiration plays in our writing.
Collaboration Opportunities
Guest posting or cross-posting
Podcast guests
Interviews or profiles
More Details from the Creator:
There are two different ways I'm looking to collaborate. I'm looking for:
True inspiring stories. These can either be written in first person by the contributor or relayed to me in interview format
Artists of all types to interview about their creative process.
Frequency/Timing of Collaboration Opportunities: At least twice a month
Collaboration Examples:
First-person story account:
Account relayed by me after interview:
Interview with artist:
How to Connect & Collaborate