About the Publication
Approximate number of subscribers: 1-100
Categories: Culture, Faith & Spirituality, Philosophy, Health & Wellness
Subcategories: Self-Improvement, Legal, Mental Health
Publication Summary: “Law and life Lessons” will be both about self-improvement as well as issues about the law and how it applies to people's lives.
Collaboration Opportunities
Guest posting or cross-posting
Interviews or profiles
Co-written article/post
More Details from the Creator:
Ideal collaborators: People who are interested in self-improvement, mental health and the law.
Right now, I am a newbie to Substack and have been posting notes to try and develop some skills at social media writing. I was regarded as a very good writer of legal materials, such as legal briefs, but I'm finding that writing for social media requires an entirely different style of writing. But I'm learning.
I hope to do a newsletter at least every two weeks if not every week if possible. I would like to collaborate with others as often as possible as their schedule and desires permit.
Frequency/Timing of Collaboration Opportunities: Flexible
How to Connect & Collaborate