Teacher by trade, mentor by mistake
How to collaborate with Daniel Puzzo
About the Publication
Approximate number of subscribers: 100-500
Categories: Literature, Travel, Humor, Education
Subcategories: Language Learning
Publication Summary: I started off as a resource for language learners, but with an attempt to appeal to a wider audience by having an eclectic range of topics, I now include life hacks, travel stories from my 20 years of English teaching, reflections on Ukraine (where I worked for 13 years), and wisecracking humour. It's very niche-free, which seems to be a popular theme on Substack.
Collaboration Opportunities
Guest posting or cross-posting
Interviews or profiles
Co-written article/post
More Details from the Creator:
Because I take an eclectic approach and want to expose my language learning audience to a wide range of topics, I'd welcome anything that falls outside the range of topics I cover. I know that sounds vague but I often see other posts and think 'that would be great from a language learning point of view' and this could be a topic on art history, nostalgia, narrative non-fiction.
For example, here's a recent post that focuses on innovative ways of approaching reading:
Here's a post on life hacks, generally, and the silver linings of procrastination, more specifically, along with contrarian ways of looking at time management and productivity:
I very much take an approach where after reading a few posts of a publication, I have a good idea of whether we'd make a good collaboration match.
Frequency/Timing of Collaboration Opportunities: 1 or 2 a month
How to Connect & Collaborate
Email: drpuzzo2005@yahoo.co.uk