There’s Nothing Wrong With You (And There Never Was)
How to collaborate with Kelly Thompson
About the Publication
Approximate number of subscribers: 500-1000
Categories: Faith & Spirituality, Literature, Health & Wellness
Subcategories: Recovery
Publication Summary: Born & raised in a high control religion I fled as a teen, I write about how to recover (from anything), find your badass, kick ass, and align with your true Self. I am editor and curator for The Rumpus column, Voices on Addiction.
Collaboration Opportunities
Guest posting or cross-posting
Podcast guests
Interviews or profiles
Co-written article/post
More Details from the Creator:
There is no one true way. That’s why I’m inviting you to submit 500 words to TNWWY about your experience on how to recover (from anything) find your badass, kick ass, and align with your true self for a special TNWWY feature.
I love these so much! Keep them coming and stay tuned for a feature! DM or email!
About Me: I’ve been featured on Memoir Land, Oldster, and Sober App (forthcoming). I love providing relevant guest pieces for other Stackers to feature. I may begin doing interviews of select women writers (I have published interviews at Rumpus, Guernica, LARB, Electric Lit, etc.) I’m interested in video convos about recovery (from anything,) religious trauma (cults,etc), family scapegoats, or the phenomena of scapegoating, parenting in recovery, 12 step wisdom, birth families and the adoption experience.
Collaboration Examples:
How to Connect & Collaborate
Thank you @Marcy this is the bomb! 🫶